Montréal Serai editor Claudia Itzkowich visited Amanda Woolrich in her studio to prepare this piece. An etching press presides over Amanda Woolrich’s apartment/art studio in Mexico City. Next to it hangs Amanda’s camera, looking down from a rustic […]
Stanley Février’s art gets under your skin. It calls you and keeps calling. It engages more of you than you know. Heart and mind and spirit remember. Flesh remembers. You feel the expanse, the height, the depth. The […]
Démarche artistique Le travail intérieur qu’exige la création ne cesse de me fasciner. Il me garde vivante. Mon travail se module autour de deux pôles : la céramique-sculpture et le monotype. J’ai commencé à faire du monotype en 2009, […]
Now, I have neither unease to express, nor artistic views to state, nor a CV to display.
Démarche artistique Ma pratique photographique est inspirée de l’environnement qui m’entoure. Un premier projet abordait le thème de l’eau. Celle-ci selon ses différentes phases, son parcours, ses empreintes et la manière dont l’homme vit avec elle. Le […]
Preface by Montréal Serai A high-profile yet anonymous artist in his hometown Québec City and beyond, Wartin Pantois is a breath of fresh air, a quiet voice of dissidence, a street artist, an agent of change, and a catalysing […]
À travers mon travail avec l’argile, j’explore les notions d’identité et de territoire. La mémoire, le legs, la tradition, tout comme l’espace que j’habite, m’amènent à me confronter au temps qui se dérobe. J’aborde le thème du […]
Le coté rationnel de la matière aide à une certaine lecture.
Oleg Dergachov is an internationally recognized Canadian cartoonist who has won over 130 international prizes and awards in 25 countries.
Artist Statement: “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die… for the harder I work, the more I live.” This is my mantra, which encapsulates the intensely and sometimes uncomfortable feelings I explore when I’m creating in […]
Réflexions de l’artiste La photographie est entrée dans ma vie à l’adolescence et s’y est taillée une place unique. Suivant les traces de mon père, passionné de photo, je capturais tout ce que mon oeil curieux trouvait beau. […]
The current land and seascape paintings combine near-abstraction with realistic references. The portraits, initially inspired by increasing signs of intolerance towards minorities in Québec, are also set within abstraction. I continue similar works in Toronto. Julian Samuel […]
Oleg Dergachov is an internationally recognized Canadian cartoonist who has won over 130 international prizes and awards in 25 countries.
Truth be told, I’ve been neglecting my boudoir. J’ai négligé mon boudoir.
Grant Munro, affectionately known as “Grantie” to his friends, is as beguiling and entertaining as ever, edging toward his mid-nineties.
I don’t know about you, but when I think of American photographer Robert Mapplethorpe, I think of the height of his notoriety in the 1980s, when he photographed the rich and famous the way Rodin sculpted busts for his aristocratic patrons.
“There is no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation”
Ephemera is a metaphor for humans connecting with both inner and external nature.
In cartoons I value symbolism and imagination. Cartoons for me are real art.
Below is a poem by Nilambri Ghai that was inspired by the mural Above and below the fault line by Montréal Artist OMEN. Nilambri lives and writes in Ottawa, but […]
Art is a conversation with my inner self.
I rarely follow a preconceived plan of action
Le projet des cornets s’est amorcé en 2013 alors que l’artiste avait fixé sur sa bicyclette un petit atelier de sérigraphie. En déambulant dans les rues, cette installation avait pour but de sortir l’atelier des murs et de […]
Portrait of Nina Simone, heart blazing, on Jeanne Mance St., by Montréal street artist (and jazz singer) MissMe, who describes herself as “an artful vandal.” For more on MissMe, go to her website at (Photo by Jody Freeman) —– Anonymous mural […]
Jason is a 36 year old male. Thoroughly addicted to pushing charcoal and ink around paper, he is also the co-creator and director of EN MASSE, a large-scale collaborative drawing initiative based out of Montreal. Graduated from Alberta College of […]
Canadian/Australian visual artist Ling Yuen photography series ‘boxed – and if you must put me in a box, make sure it’s a big box’ was exhibited at Concordia University in 2010.
Keena – Native Indian Artist – 1949 – 1995 Keena was born to a Mohawk father and French-Canadian mother in 1949. She was given up to be adopted and, until she was a young teenager, grew up in an orphanage. […]
Printed originally by Viewpoints, The State of the Arts in the Middle East: Volume IV, The Middle East Institute, Washington, DC, March 2010. Reprinted with permission.
Artist’s Statement: Naomi Bellos, a Montreal artist working in printmaking, was born in the U.K. She has a Bachelor in Fine Art (painting and printmaking) from Goldsmiths College, University of London and a Masters in Fine Art (film and video) […]
Artist’s Statement: We are born in this world to discover that racism has many facets – the religion of one, the colour of the other, the social class, the shape and size of each one of us. At 17 years […]