Almost like a badua, the lyrics to the title track from Tranie Tronic’s latest album are saturated with power.
I felt like there was no room to do things that were experimental and interesting and, at the end of the day, revolutionary, and that the community sector was essentially there to just patch up things for the government.
An interview with the director and members of the Debajehmujig Theatre Group and Storytellers
In this interview with Winston Smith, James Oscar delves into the fugitive language of jazz.
A conversation with sound artist, choreographer and performer Jassem Hindi.
Montréal writer and musician Paul Serralheiro interviews renowned deejay and jazz educator Andy Williams about the potent role of jazz in education.
Dark Sky Preserves are protected areas around the world dedicated to protecting the night
Caroline Vu's third novel follows a war orphan in Saigon and his Vietnamese mother and African-American G.I. father
A vibrant processions resonates down Ste. Catherine Street. Tiziano Cruz, from Jujuy, Argentina, reveals a nation all too eager to erase its Indigenous history for a whitewashed image.
A Conversation with Chief Jean-Charles Piétacho Innu Council of Ekuanitshit, Québec Introduction Chief Jean-Charles Piétacho, who has fought for his Innu community and its ancestral territory of Nitassinan for over 30 years, spoke to Serai editor Jody Freeman on December […]
Introduction Dans les semaines précédant cette entrevue avec Yves Sioui Durand, en août 2022, des intervenant·e·s autochtones de tout le pays ont multiplié des actions interpellant le pape François à réfuter la Doctrine de la Découverte. Ce concept colonialiste européen […]
Introduction Panj, a solo performance seamlessly combining storytelling, spoken word, song, images, video and original live psychedelic-rock-fusion music, premiered in Montréal at the Festival Accès Asie (Asian Heritage Month) in May 2022. The show is based on creator Himmat Singh […]
“Poetry’s appeal is rooted in emotion. It tends to chase people away whenever it becomes too cerebral.” Michael Fraser Author Mayank Bhatt interviews award-winning poet Michael Fraser, whose third collection of poems, The Day-Breakers, was published by Biblioasis in April […]
[Serai editor Jody Freeman interviewed Vice-Chief Sipi Flamand from the Atikamekw Council of Manawan in early January 2022. The Council of Manawan and the Atikamekw Nation Council spearheaded consultations in the Atikamekw community and the larger Québec community, […]
[Serai editor Kerry McElroy had the pleasure of interviewing Guy Sprung about his father, Mervyn Sprung, whose philosophical writings strike an evocative chord in our current era of extremes and hegemonized mindsets.] Kerry: You are the son […]
An interview with Ossie Michelin Introduction Telling Our Twisted Histories is a popular podcast series focusing on all things First Nations, Inuit and Métis, co-produced by Terre Innue and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in 2021. Created and […]
You see, the story people don’t realize is, we didn’t know we were making history.
It is a particular history that we in Africa, and Indigenous peoples, have endured.
An interview with Roxann Karonhiarokwas Whitebean [Editorial note: Montréal Serai editor Jody Freeman interviewed Roxann Karonhiarokwas Whitebean in mid-May 2021, before the heart-rending discoveries of the unmarked graves of 1,148 children on the sites of former Indian residential schools.] Jody: […]
When Jordan, another member of the team, was given a model of a brontosaurus, he drew a seven-legged creature. Why?
The way I see it, I’ve made choices in a context that was imposed on me.
Do you think that this is a turning point or a turning away from the notion of de-regulation, globalization and so-called free trade?
Montréal actor Howard Rosenstein in conversation with Serai’s Rana Bose Serai: Good afternoon, Howard! The theme of this issue is Performance as Change. I will begin, though, with a slight diversion. I’ve come across your opinion on […]
As Cinema Politica turns 15 in Montréal, Dipti Gupta and Raphael Cohen-Demers interview co-founders Svetla Turnin and Ezra Winton to walk us through their accomplishments, challenges and vision. “If it’s still just a few profit-driven corporations that control all the platforms, venues […]
Interview with Catherine Bainbridge and Ernest Webb Introduction: The evening of the interview, I showed up at Catherine and Ernie’s door. Ernie had just come back from a rehearsal with the Montréal Symphony Orchestra for Tomson Highway’s opera, […]
Journaliste de longue date, lauréate du prix Hyman-Solomon pour l’excellence journalistique dans le domaine des politiques publiques, et professeure adjointe au département de journalisme de l’Université Concordia, Francine Pelletier nous livre le fond de sa pensée sur le populisme qui […]
What we ask for is true justice: justice for ourselves, justice for our daughters, justice for our grand-daughters…
First of all, the Nekawa people were socially, culturally and politically matriarchal.
A certain element of uncertainty and adventure motivates me.
The South Asian Film Festival of Montréal (SAFFM), launched by the Kabir Cultural Centre in 2011, has grown year by year in scope and reach. This year it runs over two weekends: October 27-29 and November 3-5. Veena […]