©Oleg Dergachov

©Oleg Dergachov

©Oleg Dergachov

©Oleg Dergachov

©Oleg Dergachov

©Oleg Dergachov
©Oleg Dergachov
©Oleg Dergachov
©Oleg Dergachov
©Oleg Dergachov
©Oleg Dergachov
©Oleg Dergachov
Oleg Dergachov is an internationally recognized Canadian cartoonist who has won over 130 international prizes and awards in 25 countries. His drawings have been published in magazines in over 30 countries, including the Swiss satirical magazine Nebelspalter and the Harvard Business Review. Oleg’s cartoons are exhibited in major public art collections and museums around the world, such as the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Library in London, the cartoon collection of Ohio University, Alexandre Gertsman Contemporary Art in New York, the University of Western Ontario, the Russian State Library and the Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, Mediotheek of the Centre national d’art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Paris, the Moenchhaus Museum of Modern Art, cartoon museums in Switzerland, Turkey and Poland, the Westmount Library, Wolfenbuttel Bibliotheek, and the State Art Museum in Padova. For further information about Oleg or his upcoming book, please contact him at: dergachov7@hotmail.com.