Poet-guitarist Paul Serralheiro pays respect to Montréal’s historic jazz artists.
Paul Serralheiro
Montréal writer and musician Paul Serralheiro interviews renowned deejay and jazz educator Andy Williams about the potent role of jazz in education.
You see, the story people don’t realize is, we didn’t know we were making history.
The history of music is all about borrowing and building on the work of predecessors, whether it be Griots keeping old stories alive and telling the stories of their time, or Johann Sebastian Bach traveling to hear Buxtehude’s […]
Hussey, Charlotte. Glossing the Spoils. Awen Publications: Stroud, England, 2017 (2nd edition), 72 pages. Montréal poet and scholar Charlotte Hussey’s most recent book of poetry, published by an Irish imprint, was sparked by a quest for reconnection to the […]
CD Review Cultures around the world provide a rich heritage to draw from for practicing contemporary artists, but it’s always a thorny issue when a non-native draws on stylistic features of the practices of another culture, as care needs to […]
Everything I know I learn from Google My spellchecker, my thesaurus, my encyclopedia my music player, my video player, my search for prayer, for meaning, for understanding my need for titillation, entertainment, delight all pass by the […]
The word rebellion derives from the Latin rebellare, which means, literally, to restart warring. This suggests that it is a continuous state, something that is about remembering the struggle and what causes are worth fighting for. And then there’s the […]
It’s Tuesday night in the back room of le Cagibi, a café in the Mile End neighborhood of Montreal that can remind one of images of Weimar-Republic-era Berlin with the place’s muted lighting, clashing bright reds and pale splotchy […]