Georges Bériault: Friend, Activist, Teacher, Athlete (1947-2013)

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Aside from Georges’ edgy wit and his questioning and incisive mind, I most admire his unbridled delight in creating mischief (with his students, friends, fellow ninjas and of course rightwingers of any stripe), his enormous heart and his constant fund of love and devotion for Joyce from the time they were high-school sweethearts. An epic kind of love.

Jody Freeman

Joyce Carson

Joyce Carson

Georges was a giant kindred spirit who I had the pleasure to work with in Baba Jacques Dass. A lively and generous man, with a flare for making us smile and laugh out loud…really loud:-). His eccentric sense of humour created much joy wherever he went, this special gift he shared with all throughout all these years. May you rest in peace dear Georges, and thank you for all you were and the legacy you left behind, we will all cherish the memories.

Amrita Choudhury

Sometime in 1986, Georges came into our lives. He did many things. He could draw. He could tell stories. He could act. He could stand tall and threatening when required against provocateurs (he was a practicing black-belt in karate –right to the end of his life) and he would smile embarrassed, at those who ribbed him playfully. He had little patience for silliness, verisimilitude and hypocrisy. He disliked affectation and loved those who knew how to come to the point fast. Georges first got involved with Serai through theater. In our first production  at the Centaur Theater in Montreal, he played the lead role of Baba Jacques Dass (see Serai cover pic below) . He read history books with an unceasing enthusiasm and came back and told us what he had found out about wars, spy scandals, military logistics and the silly antics of many a revered world leader. Georges deconstructed everyone-from revolutionaries and fascists to his closest friends-laying it all bare. And Georges was there at every political march-be it against the aggressive wars launched by the United States and its many “coalitions”, St. Patrick’s day marches with the larger Irish community, leading a serious contingent of avowed Irish socialists, May Day Marches, pickets in support of the Palestinian people and many other causes. During the day he taught High School students, history and economics. If you want to know what a hero he was to his students, please go to  Here you will find ALL 22 students, without exception,  rating him as the greatest teacher, the funniest teacher, the best story teller-winding his way into the course material slowly and yet in the most entertaining manner. One student said “He is a revolutionary.” Personally, I have not seen an anonymous teacher rating that paralleled what George’s students felt about him. Georges always wore a James Connolly button, wherever he went-even if he had to meet government officials in a formal capacity as a representative of the friends of Sinn Fein in Montreal. Because Georges never hid his colors. He was discrete and yet clear as a whistle. Personally, I have a lost a very dear friend. Someone who took a great liking for my son and daughter in his own strange ways. Someone who understood the way the world is ruled by a minority and what the majority must do to overcome the situation. He was droll to the core. He took my daughter at the ripe age of four to the famous Diana Bar in Ste-Catherine street to have a beer and forever his humanity came flowing through his eyes, when he talked about the Inuit women, most of them toothless, marveling at my daughter, picking her up and hugging her. My daughter was also toothless for the most part.  And he took my son, way past midnight, into a couche tard to pick up beer and took pictures of him, walking around in the aisles, as proof. That was the way he was. A humorist with great humanity, deep inside his heart.
A few days before he left us, I sat down by his hospital bed in emergency and he was recounting old stories, one after the other and he finally said “lets do another play, one last time.”  The next day he had been moved to a room and  I spoke to him on the phone and he was a bit distracted and did not feel like he could talk for too long. I said I would come by and see him. He passed away two days later.

Rana Bose

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Georges was a man of perfect contradictions: irreverent yet respectful; soft at heart yet strong in conviction; serious only when necessary, which thankfully wasn’t often as he could find the humour in any situation. He was a consummate teacher who will be intensely missed.

Prasun Lala


The memories of the time I spent with Georges and the Serai crew during long rehearsals and performance nights are etched in my mind. They have added meaning to my life, and have made it more significant.

Nilambri Ghai

George 1

He makes you feel like you’re really learning about the real world unlike those other teachers who have you thinking “When am I going to use this in real life?”

Student from Laval Liberty High School

Amazing prof! Had him for sec.5 ethics at laval liberty. He was truly an amazing teacher and an amazing person. R.I.P Mr. Beriault, you will truly be missed. However whatever you taught me will forever remain in my knowledge and I’ll apply it everyday.

Student from Laval Liberty High School

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Georges was a character – serious and full of beans at the same time. While he was often joking, at his core he was a caring and thoughtful guy.  He always had a book on the go, a karate class to attend or was organizing some event in support of some important cause.  Beer and chips were never far away.  The past few years have been tough and full of indignity for Georges, but he bore it with a quiet strength and fortitude – always seeking to get better and maintain his routines.  I wish him peace where he has gone and a bar full friends where he can enjoy a good laugh and good conversation.

Lisa Foster

6 thoughts on “Georges Bériault: Friend, Activist, Teacher, Athlete (1947-2013)

  1. asoke chakravarty says:

    I still remember him from Baba Jacques Dass. My sincere sympathy to you all those who were very close to him.

  2. Marc Belleville says:

    Lisa Foster ,merci pour cet accompagnement auprès d’un membre de ma famille. Soit M.George Bériaut. C’est agréable de voir à quel point il fit aimé et surtout compris. Votre hommage ne peut que le faire sourire et je crois qu’il sera toujours présent dans la vie de ceux et celles qui l’auront croisés et/ou rencontrer.Ne l’oubions jamais et repose en paix et avec les tiens là haut. Tes parents et ta femme t’y attendent surement avec une belle retrouvaille. Si vous avez retenu la moindre leçon de la vie qu’il a pu vous montrer, alors il ne sera pas partie si loin .

  3. Salut a toi, mon cousin Georges,

    Nous avons eu l’occasion d’echanger sur la vie, sur tes principes de défense envers les victimes de systèmes pourris, et nous tenions le meme langage. Les injustices te rendaient malade et tu les a combattues avec tout ton cœur et toute ton ame. Le Seigneur t’a recu les bras ouverts et tu es surement en grande conversation avec ta charmante epouse et tes parents que nous avons tellement bien connus, Janet et Romeo.

    Denise et moi sommes assurés que tous ceux que tu as croisés dans ta vie sont devenus meilleurs a cause de toi et c’est désormais la Société en général qui en bénéficie.

    Puisque nous sommes a l’extérieur du pays, nous nous joignons a vous tous dans une grande priere. Soyez tous assurés que ce départ nous chagrine au plus haut point.

    Un jour, mon Georges, on se reverra XXX

    Repose en PAIX….

    – Denise et André Belleville

    Denise et André Belleville

  4. Jaleel Siddiqui says:

    Rest in peace, George, a righteous, warm, witty character who defined the term “Montrealer” for me in the 80’s.

  5. Vasu Seshadri says:

    I will miss this dear friend. He taught me how to live with an open mind and heart. His humor always dealt a blow but his frankness hit far below the belt. He spoke with conscience that stuck deep and said Vas let’s bring Ireland together with a concert that will shock the pants off everyone. He thought of everyone with compassion and his soul reached beyond the amount of booze he took in. When he acted with us he let it all out and just blew us away with his dedication. “Don’t upstage me Vas”, he would scream in my ears. He was our man of the hour in every play we performed. God Bless You George , We love you.

  6. Vanessa Menendez says:

    I remember in our last year of high school he played Baz Luhrmann – “Everybody’s Free To Wear Sunscreen”, an example of how he taught us the importance of life beyond the walls of secondary school. How to be a good person, and how to simply enjoy ourselves and share a good laugh. He made us feel welcome and empowered by our intelligence. He inspired me to pursue my own path towards teaching. RIP!

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