A Thought on Fear and Loathing

Sadhu (acrylic)
 Water Prayer (mixed media)

Water Prayer (mixed media)

‘In a way of living where fear and loathing is aided and abetted, the subtleties of wonder and contemplation are in the general weight of things, lost. Within a society that is just that, a conglomeration of a big group of people and their activities, the minuteness of people’s sensibilities disappears hidden into the boisterous roar of the media artifice. As though that were our true way of seeing and perceiving.

So when we personally find the beauty of each other during our daily lives, we are mesmerized, as though experiencing a rarity in time. But truly, this is our way of being. We have been gifted by eternity the exact opposite of fear and loathing: the will to trust and love.

The captured news, movies, multi nationals and who knows who, might instigate for us to build walls around the land forms, our hearts, into our souls blurring our consciousness, but our connection to the life force does not permit the break for long.

Joined inexorably to the radiance of every being’s individuation, is the living seed of empathy.’

Shanti Kumari Johnson

September 2015

Sadhu (acrylic)

Sadhu (acrylic)

Thousand Petals (mixed media)

Thousand Petals (mixed media)


Desert Horse (mixed media)

Desert Horse (mixed media)

Flower People (mixed media)

Flower People (mixed media)

Heart People (mixed media)

Heart People (mixed media)




Shanti Kumari Johnson resides in Chicago where she teaches ‘Yoga & Planting’, Ballet, Spanish and works as an Interpreter as well. Her artwork is in the beginning stages and she is thankful to Montreal Serai for allowing this opportunity. Her most admired mentors are her mother, her father and her ever interesting son.

One thought on “A Thought on Fear and Loathing

  1. Maninder says:

    The will to trust and love is a phenomenally beautiful sentiment and so necessary to read and absorb for all of us since hidden in those words is the choice that we have to be true to our nature or turn a blind eye. What a beautiful world it will be when we finally begin to let go of the fear and return to the wings of love and light that resonate within us all. Thank you for the work you do to help raise the vibration of this world! Ashe Shanti!

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