the walls

The photograph, of the wall of a tunnel that takes pedestrians under the railway on Lucien L’Allier near the Bell Centre, inspired the poem.
The pair of them together turned out to be pleasing to all members of the writing group that we (the writer and photographer) belong to – Montreal’s The Writers’ Bloc – and it occurred to us that your readers might find it pleasing as well.

Click on the photo-poem to see at full size.

the walls

Lorrie Beauchamp is a Montreal-based poet, journalist, freelance writer and business owner. She is a member of the Quebec Writers’ Federation, former student of creative writing at the Thomas More Institute, and co-founder of The Writers' Bloc, a local literary group celebrating emerging English writers in French Quebec. Photographer Robert Knight is a Montreal photographer and published poet. He is a member of The Writers' Bloc, a local literary group celebrating emerging English writers in French Quebec.

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