Stiletto, Heels and a Pork Pie Hat – a collection of poetry


The following poems are taken from Luigi Moneferrante’s new collection entitled:  



And a Pork Pie Hat

On the Road Again

The door of the camper opens

Out jump Billy, Bob & Suzy

Pull out their pee-pees

The boys do

While Suzy pulls up her skirt

By the side of the road

Looks like rain

The clouds near

And the wind is a-blowing

We’ll hit a storm

In the camper

They run

Wash their hands

Of the dirt

They sit at the table

And read a book

Their mom is gone

I pull from the road

Don’t know where to go

She was our home.

Dancing in the Rain

I walk you home

carrying books you never open

a dancer

you are

and want to sing

in shows on Broadway

you’ve seen them all

the musicals on DVD

and you tip, tap and fly

from sidewalk to street

with all grace and technique of a diva

and what technique!

your sense of time…

dead wrong.

You Pick Yourself Up and Go

We grew up on a farm

When the drought hit

The barn burnt down

The rains turned to flood

With no tears to shed

And work to do

You pick yourself up

And went

Out west

It was

A fast-food joint

Scraping grease for a trade

Dirt from the plates

Running meals to rooms

At the back of the lanes

Men and their wives

But not their own

You changed the sheets

Unclogged toilets

Wiped some blood from the walls

And there’s a spot

On the ceiling

In school

It was tough

Working ‘til late

And where is your homework?

With grease on the math

And ketchup on physics

I hate to tell you, miss,

It’s blood from a killing

She calls you a liar

You swear it’s true

Your knees on chick peas

If you move from that corner

This ruler

It’s wood

You pick yourself up

And go

Off to college

And Science

Where there’s no bull

It’s fact that I want

Don’t call me liar

Now I’m back on the farm

This time for good

I listen to folks

They all complain

I go home

And read by page three

I wake up at four

And walk to my room

The kids are in bed

My wife

She snores

I walk to the kitchen

Pour some milk in the pot

‘cause she likes it warm

I stand by the door

Don’t know what to do

Have some thoughts in my head

I’m ashamed to admit

If I had a gun

I’d shoot them dead

But I serve her the milk

Prepare the kids toast

Give them a hug

and a kiss

They’re off to school

I pick myself up and


And I went

Luigi Monteferrante’s most recent poetry has been published in:

Neon, Forma Fluens, Quills Canadian Poetry Magazine, Poesia/Indiana Bay, Motel 58, Word Slaw, poetryfriends, , kudos, Sonar4, Poet’s Ink Review, The Battered Suitcase/Vagabondage Press, Happy, Twisted Tongue, Danse Macabre, Language &Culture, Kritya, Burst Now, Yellow Mama,  greenbeard, Glass Poetry Journal, Wow, Orbis, Faraway Journal, riverbabble, Blueprint Review. 

 Short stories in: Chicago Quarterly Review (2); Happy; Taylor Trust.




Manufacturers of Music for the Savant-Garde



Gritty Music & Streetwise Poetics

Luigi Monteferrante is a Canadian poet, ex-pat and composer.

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