Embrace Life with Joy

Autumn Presence      29” w x 32” h

Autumn Presence
29” w x 32” h


SéKAI SéKAI is a Canadian artist for 30 years based in Montreal. His creative development began in Nova Scotia and PEI. A mixed racial background inspired him to explore the world through painting, dancing, theatre and literature. For over thirty years he has studied and danced, both classical and contemporary, and performed on stages throughout Canada and Europe. In the 1970’s, while in Amsterdam, he worked with the American artist, Franz Thun, and then with artists from NSCAD, Halifax, NS. In 1980 in Montreal, with the assistance of the Government of Québec, he opened an art centre – Galerie Sékaï/Centre Expérimental D’Arts Actuels. After that he directed his focus to painting on silk which now has verged into the territory of fiber arts.

Artist’s  Statement:

To be joyfully and creatively involved with living is the essence of all my endeavours. As a senior artist, I still retain and hopefully live with a youthful spirit. As one changes, transforms, I see myself continuing to challenge my values and perspective on things. I am forever in the process of learning, pausing only momentarily to catch my breath. One’s creative production may fall off a bit, but one’s vision burns more intensely and becomes more precise when sharpened with life’s experiences. My motto – Embrace Life with Joy.

All the artworks are painting on silk.


Works from series – Words from the Oracle – 2014



Solar Return      29 ½ “w x 32 ½ h

Solar Return
29 ½ “w x 32 ½ h


Steps & Configurations      28” w x 30” h

Steps & Configurations
28” w x 30” h


Vision Cosmique      28” w x 30” h

Vision Cosmique
28” w x 30” h


Paysage bleu      28” w x 30” h

Paysage bleu
28” w x 30” h



Le professeur est de retour/ cirque      3’ w x  6’ h

Le professeur est de retour/ cirque
3’ w x 6’ h


Sonatas 3      3’ w x 6’ h

Sonatas 3
3’ w x 6’ h


Works from series – Enchantment – 2011

Garden Fairies       48” w x 72” h

Garden Fairies
48” w x 72” h



7 thoughts on “Embrace Life with Joy

  1. ditto, ditto, ditto… bravo Sekai !
    Being creative is embracing life with joy and your work is proof of it. Congratulations.

  2. Kathleen Irwin says:

    You are totally an inspiration, my friend! It is so lovely to see your work again.

  3. Cheryl-Anne Parsons says:

    Bravo Sekai!
    Your new silk paintings are beautiful! I love the colours. I will definitely have to visit and choose one to add to my collection. Lots of love, sister Cheryl.

  4. naomi bellos says:

    congratulations Sekai! Very fresh, alive and exciting work even though they are only photos an…but they came out well

  5. Shaen Johnston says:

    So pleased to have the opportunity to view your work. Wonderful theme. Inspirational. Congrats.

  6. John Thomas says:

    You are a man of many talents-dancer,choreographer,gallery owner,painting instructor-and now your amazing talents as
    a painter have come to fruition.In your paintings,I see beauty in the smallest of details.Your qualities as a painter are beginning to match your qualities as a wonderful human being.I have watched you grow for 25 years,and am more impressed with each passing year.You
    are an inspiration to us all.

  7. Fran Olsen says:

    Sekai’s work is so full of life and soul. It leaps of the fabric at you inviting you to laugh, or dance, or at least to smile! It captures the spirit of All-That-Is, behind the scenes, a child-like exuberance, playfulness and love of life! Bravo, xx Fran

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