Blues and Wonder – Paintings by Dan Delaney

1. Fantasy at Fenwick, Ink on paper, 11 inches x 7 1/2 inches, 2011

Through art I express my joys and sorrows, doing what, to me, is survival and communication. I do art to find myself. Art is a conversation with my inner self and a way of sharing with others, ‘for better or for worse,’ as they say.

1. Fantasy at Fenwick, Ink on paper, 11 inches x 7 1/2 inches, 2011

1. Fantasy at Fenwick, Ink on paper, 11 inches x 7 1/2 inches, 2011

New Jersey Blues 01, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 12 inches x 12 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 01, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 12 inches x 12 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 02, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 12 inches x 9 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 02, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 12 inches x 9 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 03, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 18 inches x 24 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 03, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 18 inches x 24 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 06, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 20 inches x 20 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues 06, Acrylics and wax crayons on wood panel, 20 inches x 20 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues Diptych 04, Acrylics on masonite, 16 1/2 inches x 10 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues Diptych 04, Acrylics on masonite, 16 1/2 inches x 10 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues Diptych 05, Acrylics on wood panel, 10 inches x 8 inches, 2013

New Jersey Blues Diptych 05, Acrylics on wood panel, 10 inches x 8 inches, 2013

Plodes I, Watercolour and ink on paper, 8 1/2 inches x 9 inches, 2016

Plodes I, Watercolour and ink on paper, 8 1/2 inches x 9 inches, 2016

Watercolour and ink on paper, 9 inches x 12 inches, 2016

Watercolour and ink on paper, 9 inches x 12 inches, 2016



Dan Delaney, a Montrealer of Irish descent, is a self-taught artist. He works primarily in the medium of watercolour and oils but has been exploring acrylics more recently. Dan pursued drawing, painting and music throughout his formative years, and continued to expand his creativity and painting during his marriage and the raising of their five children. Dan and his family bought Artlenders Gallery in Westmount in 1976 and ran it until the gallery closed in 1993. Over the years, he has consistently exhibited his works across Canada and the U.S. in solo, duo and group shows. In January 2017, Dan will have a solo exhibition at the Côte St. Luc Library. This collection of art by Dan Delaney was put together and photographed by Serai co-editor, Susan Dubrofsky.

2 thoughts on “Blues and Wonder – Paintings by Dan Delaney

  1. jaswant guzder says:

    wonderful work that dan delaney continues to produce despite reaching his 84th year. dan continues to inspire me and other artists, continues to teach in his residence and help us “see” the psychic emerging in our work . he has influenced many artists and is a very treasured member of our community

  2. Thomas says:

    Wow Dan! this is a short but but profound (and visually beautiful) encapsulation of what you are thinking now… and also what you are thinking now about what you were thinking ‘then’ 😉 your longtime pal Thomas

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