An unconscious narrative by Talleen Hacikyan, printmaker

Blue Marin, monoprint, 66 x 50 cm

Blue Marin, monoprint, 66 x 50 cm

Grass House, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Grass House, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Lifesaver, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Lifesaver, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Room, linocut, collagraphy, collage, embossing, 75 x 98 cm

Room, linocut, collagraphy, collage, embossing, 75 x 98 cm


Tombée du ciel, monoprint, 66 x 50 cm

Tree House, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Tree House, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Weather Vane, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm

Weather Vane, collagraphy, 38 x 28 cm


Artist’s statement

Through symbols and textures that echo Indigenous art and the memory of childhood I explore various themes that deal with our primordial connection to the natural world.  Collagraph printing is my medium of choice.  The flexible and direct nature of the collagraph technique allows me to tap into an intuitive creative energy.  Working on the cardboard plate that will be inked and printed onto paper becomes an act of play.  Images and episodes of an unconscious narrative are revealed to me as I work.


More works can be seen at:




Talleen Hacikyan is a visual artist, art educator and writer based in Montreal. After receiving her BA in Fine Arts and Fine Arts Education from Université du Québec à Montréal she became a member of Atelier Circulaire printmaking studio, where she has been working since 1985. She has exhibited extensively in Canada and internationally. Awards include First prize at the Loto-Québec printmaking Competition and Prix Pierre Henry, awarded by Pratt & Whitney Canada. The Armenian Museum of America in Boston is currently featuring a solo exhibition of her work until July 28, 2013.

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