"The human impact on biodiversity, to put the matter as briefly as possible, is an attack on ourselves."
Read Chomsky. Things are dangerous and bad things happen. But you can't let fear control you, you'll never get anything done.
Boudoir (/ˈbuːd.wɑːr/; French: [bu.dwaʁ]) is a woman's private sitting room or salon in a furnished accommodation usually between the dining room and the bedroom, but can also refer to a woman's private bedroom.
“It’s hard to decipher where the fictional madness and social seclusion begin and end for both the work and life of Edgar Allan Poe, one of history’s most compelling horror writers who, it’s believed, was wracked with his own demons.“ […]
...and so as not to waste time on the demagogic hysteria of fascist wall-builders and KKKers blending in with Trumpers, let us list a few things that still seem so unsettled in the discussion about what happened in Orlando.
Copyright protection beyond sixty years for any work, beyond the span of a human life, rewards greed.
Today, Peshawar is again in the hands of those who like to play with fire.
Spoiler alert: If you are a devoted believer that putting Canadian “boots on the ground” in Syria will actually solve anything, you might want to skip this contribution. Let’s see if we can dissect the situation: ISIS commits […]
What we are seeing is a return of chaos whenever there is a unilateral decision to close borders
Together, perhaps we can recover our common spaces and our interdependent communities
The Rohingyas become a stateless population in 1982
In the context of the present aggressive globalization, this affirmation – the heart has its reasons – is fundamental. It is not new. Already in the seventeenth century, the mathematician, philosopher, theologian and physician, Blaise Pascal, had written “The heart […]
I used to take my short stories to girls’ homes and read them to them. Can you imagine the reaction reading a short story to a girl instead of pawing her? Ray Bradbury Women want love […]
Confronted with the query --“Are Canadian films sexy … question mark?” - - I was baffled as what angle to take.
When did Canada become the country that it is today? Only a few years ago it was seen as a bastion of freedom and democracy, a place where people from around the world could look to, they thought, in order […]
Al Malki, a Canadian, was incarcerated and tortured in Syria based on false information which was provided to the Syrian governement by the RCMP and CSIS.
I have never been involved in politics, I had made up my mind on the whole thing a long time ago: we are a nation that has known nothing but the rule of absolute pharaohs, be they called Cheops or […]
The above words, from our prime minister’s mouth, on April 4 2011, are supposed to spread fear in our souls, as Canadians. Fear of insanity. Fear of devastation. Here is Stephen Harper’s full quote: “It just emphasizes how crazy we […]
There is a tendency amongst a lot of liberal-minded people to go ape about Wikileaks, beyond and above what are its obvious and spectacular contributions. After all, revelations of gory illegal acts, diplomatic about turns and faux pas and sickening […]
The anomaly that is Italy– where a media mogul can have total control of the private and public television, print media and have friends filling in the abyss– is something that the rest of the world cannot fathom. What if […]
A few months ago, fearing terminal unemployment, I emailed some of my coder friends a query: “So, things were a no-go with writing, law, medicine. Hell I even looked into joining the army. I’m considering computers. Where should I start?” […]
The world isn’t what it was ten or even five years ago. Technology has taken our planet and transformed it from an immense collection of cultures and peoples into one tiny blue ball more interconnected than ever before in its […]
These days I can’t but remember Gamal Abdel Nasser. The Arab people are now finding unity in demands, hopes and aspirations, real unity from the bottom up not from the top down. Was this his vision? Even if it wasn’t, […]
Israel is losing the propaganda war. Mainstream newspapers now provide ample reason to conclude that Israel oppresses the Palestinians with sadistic enthusiasm based on flimsy excuses. (The Palestinians, after all, have lost the military war. Even Hamas works hard to […]
Rezeq Faraj and the “Descent into Hell” It was when I read Palestine: le refus de disparaître, the 2005 book of our dear departed friend Rezeq Faraj, that I realized the full extent of the Palestinian people’s continuing “descent into […]
Bil’in, situated to the west of Ramallah, is a village typical of the eastern Mediterranean from many points of view: the white houses that are arranged along the length of roads that hug the meanderings and natural contours of the […]
A colleague of mine suggested that I contribute an article on my interest in the question of Palestinian rights and intention to participate in a World Education Forum taking place in Palestine at the end of October. At the time […]
Media coverage of the peace talks presently underway in Washington is generally pessimistic about the prospects of success. It tends to be depicted as formalized theatrics, with a “down-to-business” atmosphere, dark suits, hand-shaking, and canned speeches. Little, if anything, is […]
One party asks for more than he is willing to settle for. The other party offers less than he is ultimately willing to concede. Both parties haggle until they reach a compromise. Such is the universal law of negotiating. As […]
Rights are won through popular struggles. But once enacted into law, they have to be enforced. Governments are usually reluctant to do that. The rights are then just words on a piece of paper. Workers, however, have found that they […]