Wilde rozen

Wilde rozen by Vincent van Gogh, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Wilde rozen by Vincent van Gogh, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

5 Haiku

forest berries grow 
by the cool rushing creek 
scent of irises

summer day 
waning gibbous moon 
and apple scent

what we are losing
the sea around us
bleaching the coral

from the black graphite
you drew up water
for the seashell

the sixth lunar month
swathed in zinnia blossoms
my sister’s grave


black spruce trees
the ancient boreal forests
regrowing back as aspen
I remember the red sun
the hut on the mountain

Ilona Martonfi is a poet, editor, curator and activist. Her latest poetry titles are Salt Bride (Inanna, 2019) and The Tempest (Inanna, 2022).

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