Resources ethnoculturelles contre l’abus envers les ainéEs / Respecting Elders: Communities Against Abuse


About RECAA:


RECAA, Resources ethnoculturelles contre l’abus envers les ainéEs; in English RECAA translates into — Respecting Elders: Communities Against Abuse.

RECAA was founded in 2003 by elders from the cultural communities with a stated mission to raise awareness of elder mistreatment within our communities. Since our founding date, we have functioned as a multi-cultural, multilingual, intergenerational organization.

Our working language is English and we use interpreters wherever necessary to facilitate discussion and interactions within our Forum Theatre Workshops.

These workshops provide elders with a safe space to identify their problems, share information and to act out scenes from their own experiences.

All workshops begin with a short, non-verbal dramatization which can be immediately recognized by participants as a form of disrespect, mistreatment or abuse.

Currently RECAA is exploring how social media and our web site can expand and complement our work outside of the Forum Theatre Workshop.

We welcome all to view our work and our latest project on our web site: ; our Facebook address is  recaa.montreal and our email  is: