Living by the Gun


Like many Montrealers I was deeply affected by images of my city going up in flames in our newspapers. It seemed that the riot in Montreal North was sparked by the police shooting of Freddy Villanueva, an unarmed 18 year old youth of Latin-American origin. As I was avidly reading the news, I was appalled to find out that there were four shots that were fired from the same gun – a police gun. When the images of police cars being lit on fire and barricades being erected hit our local TV screens, it seemed that we had a bona-fide race riot on our hands – something that one would associate with cities like Los Angeles or Paris – not Montreal. In order to inject some positivity into the situation, I decided to write a song for a three-fold purpose:

  1. To encourage dialogue about violence in our city.
  2. To move people towards demanding a public inquiry into the events of Montreal-Nord.
  3. To plead that “It’s high time that something gets done” in terms of offering young people alternatives to the street gangs: Sports tournaments, hip-hop dancing, martial arts, studios for rap artists, etc.

We need to nip this problem in the bud before Montreal becomes like any other American City. We have to get to the root of the problem. Because this was a timely issue, a friend of mine encouraged me to record the song right away and get it out to the radio as soon as possible – so I did. I called up some musician friends of mine to record the song:

Moe Clark: Back-Vocals Sage Reynolds: Upright Bass
Mark Nelson: Drums Matt Lipscombe: Vocals and Guitar

It was recorded by David Sturton at DNA Productions. It is already playing on CIBL in Montreal and CKRL in Quebec. I hope it can help my city in bringing about a positive change. Living by the Gun audio (mp3) It’s high time something gets done.

The youth and the police are living by the gun
Late one night in Montreal

Freddy and his brother were having a ball

Playing dice in a public park

It was getting late

It was getting dark

Along come two officers of the law

They were intrigued by what they saw

They said to Freddy’s brother we want to talk to you

He resisted, so they drew

Four shots were fired from same gun

There was only one at the scene

The policeman said it was self defense

But what can that possibly mean?

It’s high time something gets done

The youth and the police are living by the gun

His mother set a white dove free

So there would be no more misery

No more tears on a sister’s cheek

No more tears gas canisters on the street

The people watched the evening news

Hoping justice would come of this abuse

But the cops involved in this altercation

Had a week to come up with some fabulation

Four shots were fired from same gun

There was only one at the scene

The policeman said it was self defense

But what can that possibly mean?

It’s high time something gets done

The youth and the police are living by the gun

I’m not saying it’s anybody’s fault

That the violence here is like some kind of cult

And I know that the cops were afraid for their lives

When they took that innocent boy’s life

When they took that innocent boy’s life

It’s high time something gets done

The youth and the police are living by the gun

Words and Music : Matthew Lipscombe
Credits: Guitar/voice: Matt Lipscombe

Back Vocals: Moe Clark
Upright Bass: Sage Reynolds
Drums: Mark Nelson
Recorded at studio DNA, Montreal by David Sturton

©Matthew Lipscombe 2008. All rights reserved
For more information please contact:
Matt Lipscombe: (514) 678-4222


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