Exploration and Transformation: Artworks by Adele Shtern

James Bond Beach Door
James Bond Beach Door

James Bond Beach Door


Adele Shtern embraces her calling as a multi-disciplinary artist using traditional and digital media. She takes pleasure in discovering visually interesting sights in diverse loci. Her creative process involves opening herself to the revelation of seeing the familiar in new ways. Painterly and abstract aspects of the environment catch her eye.

Shtern’s digital photos were taken in Jamaica, WI and Long Island City, NY. They are part of an ongoing series of photographic explorations. Some of the sites have since been transformed or no longer exist. This record preserves the memory of what once existed, as a visual and cultural archive.

Shtern’s artwork is based on a lifetime process of reflecting the synergy and synthesis of personal, cultural, and metaphysical realms in photographs, photomontages, journals of drawings, digital and gouache paintings, poetry and music.

Shtern is considered a pioneer in computer art. Her involvement with digital art began in 1983 at the New York Institute of Technology on a University of Bridgeport grant. Committed to the process of art as a form of healing, Shtern conceived Lotus Cusp, a multimedia presentation re 9.11 with her BMCC/CUNY students. Several of her images are now on the 9.11 online Memorial Artists’ Registry.

Her work has been exhibited and published internationally and has received many awards. Prints are available from the artist.




Adele Shtern was born in Montreal and received her BA in Design from Concordia University. She was awarded a Design Canada grant to study Graphic Design in the MFA program at Yale University. She has been a Professor of Art at the Tyler School of Art, the University of Bridgeport, FIT, and Baruch College/CUNY. She is currently an adjunct Professor in the Music & Art Department at BMCC/CUNY. She lives in Long Island City, NY where she continues to be an active artist. She is the co-author of an oral history book entitled Nicky D from LIC. Please visit her website for further info: www.adeleshtern.weebly.com and email her at shtern80@yahoo.com or ashtern@bmcc.cuny.edu








Gilbert’s Fish Shop



Negril Window

Negril Window



Teddy’s Chop Shop


This We Know

This We Know


Little Bay Bar

Little Bay Bar


Oracabessa Bar

Oracabessa Bar



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