Daily Life in Cerro de San Pedro

Canadian multinational New Gold Inc. is operating a heavily-contested open pit gold and silver mine in Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico. For over 10 years, the residents of Cerro de San Pedro and the surrounding area have been fighting the mine.

Canadian multinational New Gold Inc. is operating a heavily-contested open pit gold and silver mine in Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico. For over 10 years, the residents of Cerro de San Pedro and the surrounding area have been fighting the mine. Corporate officials have been working closely with the local government to ensure that the mine moves forward, using tactics such as bribery, the repression of dissent, political assassination and corruption. The anti-mine movement continues to grow and gain strength in Cerro de San Pedro.

For more info: cerrodesanpedro.org or faomontreal.wordpress.com

In the course of this year, Tamara Herman has documented impacts of and resistance to Canadian mining in the historic town of Cerro de San Pedro, Mexico.

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