For them hope
is a rubber tyre
around their necks
Someone will douse kerosene
and strike a match
Dear Dr. Singh, how long does it take
for rubber to burn fully?
Does it burn slower than a human body?
For them hope
is a rubber tyre
around their necks
Someone will douse kerosene
and strike a match
Dear Dr. Singh, how long does it take
for rubber to burn fully?
Does it burn slower than a human body?
Jaspreet Singh acted in Montreal Serai's production of The Sulpician Escarpment. He later went on to become a prize-winning author for his short Story collection "Seventeen Tomatoes" and the 2009 Commonwealth Shortlisted "Chef"
The perpetrators of the carnage on the Sikhs in New Delhi in 1984 (3000 killed) remain at large (in fact they are members of Mr. MM Singh’s party in power) . so do the perpetrators of the pogrom against Muslims in Gujarat, India (2000 killed-once again the Chief Minister, Narendra Modi was named). Now the Indian state has started a military campaign against the tribals of India with over 100,000 troops and helicopters. Indian democracy is one of the biggest scams of this era.