

© Oleg Dergachov

We (the editorial board) struggled with the theme for some time – Old Age and Youth in a Changing World. We tried to find the balance between keeping the theme open and general enough to allow for interpretation and limited enough so that we would have some common thread amongst the pieces.  For a few months prior to uploading this issue we had reasonable concerns. Would the issue pack the desirable punch? Would it resonate?   Did we pick the right theme?  Would youth write?  Finally, with a little bit of prodding and many emails, it turns out that this will be one of our biggest issues with 24 submissions that were accepted!

What struck me as I read, selected, edited, found pictures and contemplated the layout of this issue, was the breadth of reflection provided by our writers.  There are too many articles to list them one by one. We are living in momentous times in Madrid, in Athens, in Montreal. One of our editors, Patrick Barnard has written-in potent pieces covering the convergence of youth in the Syriza movement in Greece, including an exclusive interview with one of its leaders. Nilambri Ghai provides us with an extraordinary insight into the debates raging over the right to end one’s life with dignity. Maya Khankhoje reviews a book on aging and points out the “egregious disease mongering by pharmaceutical companies and manufacturers of medical equipment.” Irrespective of how we wish to look at the ageing process or how wish to fight it, veteran Montreal researcher and activist Abby Lippman reminds us- “Paradoxically, perhaps it is the very inevitableness (if one lives long enough) and the ubiquity (everyone ages at all ages) that make the experiences, especially the individuality of age interesting. “ Along with a unique selection of thematic poems, a short story by Antoine Bustros, potent graphics by Oleg Dergachov, there is also a totally hilarious animation piece followed by an interview of Sindbad Richardson done by one of our editors Prasun Lala, who also did the sound works for the animation. Aside from these, and as I said this is an extraordinary collection on the theme, we also have a video interview supplied by RECAA-the Montreal organization that has done great work against elder abuse. Several new writers and poets have also for the first time graced our pages. Talking about age, Serai is now on its 29th year—one of the longest standing on line arts magazines in Canada with a strong edge for new ideas and new cultural initiatives.


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