The knock comes as Ellie scratches at the remnants of a dream. A chilly wind on her cheeks. Moving against gravity high up into the blue, her head tilted towards a melee of trills and chirps. Ellie squeezes the sounds […]
Short Story
Cricket’s on the TV. It’s on but you’re not watching. You’re lying on the couch in front of the TV, but your back is to the TV and your face is burrowing its way into the back of the […]
No, it was not you I was thinking of when you caught me. I didn’t answer you last night, because to give such an answer is no answer. It merely opens the floodgates to more questions. None of […]
Does she usually read this way? Always in the same room? Is the tiny black object on the trunk (on the steel cabinet) really a bird? Why exactly am I moved by this image? There are 48 black-and-white photographs in […]
As Trixie and I filed out of the interpretation booth for the coffee-break, a smiling woman intercepted us. Trixie and I exchanged a look, returned the woman’s smile and said hi. She explained that she was training as a […]
After two months cruising the southwest Mexican coast, picking up poco espanole and John, I was ready to go home. We caught the ferry at Puerto Vallarta and landed before noon on the tip of the Mexican Bahas. We planned […]
This is how it all started. As Tunisia and Egypt were followed by Yemen and Bahrain and as I remained glued to Al Jazeera, Facebook,Twitter (notice I do not state the CBC, BBC or CNN or mainstream TV) and as […]
The text below is from a collection in progress of yet unpublished short stories, entitled “Fragments”. Les rayons du soleil sont diffus en cette matinée fraîche. Ils dissipent l’humidité du printemps naissant et jettent leur lustre sur l’angle de ce […]
The Journey I marched through thick snow until leaves began to reappear on deciduous trees, pine needles protruding from toes Dragons scuttled across walls dented free forms, shapes through cloud patterns against the canvass of azure Before it was all […]
Pain was his lot. He had to endure it constantly since . . . Well, he could not even remember when it started, whether before or after surgery. Was it the cause of his malady or a consequence? Why is […]
I am walking the streets of Ras Beirut where I grew up, where my parents’ home still exists in Diaspora; as I promenade while doing some errands within a four square kilometer area, I feast my eyes on the sign […]
In a café somewhere a light switch clicked behind a blue paint-chipped door. The bright light which crept out from between it and the worn wooden floor disappears and two men watch from a small table across the room. They […]