Artist’s Statement:
Ephemera is a metaphor for humans connecting with both inner and external nature. In these portraits, ephemera is motivated by exploring the body in relation to the sheet as a place of intimacy with the self and in relation to others, in an attempt to find a balance between solitude and the need for the other.
These figures with their identities obscured emerge from performed gestural strategies to record and observe different archetypes of communication through body language within various emotional states.
The draping of the body and obscuring of the identity enable archetypes to become the foreground elements of an open reading. The sheet is an extension of ourselves that protects and moves with the body while projecting its transformative shape and expressing changes. It evokes symbols: from robes present in religions and rituals and draped fabric represented throughout art history on statues and in paintings, to the idea of draping something precious or sacred, and finally an allusion to the social fabric connecting all life beings.
The work explores themes contained within life’s inner core: observed mechanisms within human nature through different themes like transformation cycles, changing processes, memories, archetypes, psychological states, communication, and the body’s vitality.