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by Oleg Dergachov

TABLE OF CONTENTS - vol 19. no. 3
  1. Editorial : The Art of Subversion : ~ Rana Bose
  2. Art : The Importance of Being an Artist :: ~ Oleg Dergachov
    "The arsenal of his means of expression is immense."
  3. Commentary : What is Subversive Art : ~ Mirella Bontempo
    "Even meek and mild me can commit the biggest subversion without effort"
  4. Commentary : The Human Contents of Literature : ~ Pietro Ferrua
    "There is no more past. Literature abolishes time. All past characters are present to us and serve us as examples (to imitate or avoid), whether they were kings or blind beggars playing the lyre. "
  5. Commentary : Theatre, Reality and Change : ~ Anna Fuerstenberg
    "Since that day in the halls of the theatre, when I saw Peter Pan smoke a cigarette, I have believed that magic is available to any who would use it and that art is subversive and that theatre is a powerful weapon which uses empathy of the audience."
  6. Exhibit: Between States - a must-see photography exhibit : ~ Darren Ell
    "Between States in an Orange jumpsuit--Canada's Guantanamo..."
  7. Film Review: Atheism by Julian Samuel : ~ Maya Khankhoje
    " and chapattis (instead of loaves of bread) miraculously multiplied not by a benevolent Christ, but by clever computer graphics..."
  8. Music: An interview with Holly Arsenault - Jazz Pianist : ~ Susan Dubrofsky
    " I practice every day and every day as excited as I am to get to the piano, every day I feel like I am just starting to learn something."
  9. Commentary: Cell Phonemes and the Thumbstruck Generation : ~ Kane Faucher
    "The English language possesses a unique (dys)advantage in its capacity to exchange some of its prepositions to the numerical shorthand of figures at the exchange desk of keypadded sloth."
  10. Book Review: The Cabaret by Lisa Appignanesi: ~ Maya Khankhoje
    "The success of the cabaret was in direct proportion to political repression. This is why it did not prosper in the British Isles, with its more liberal tradition and its friendly pubs for venting off."
  11. Poetry : e-cafe : ~ Yahia Lababidi
  12. Poetry: Cheat : ~ Naghmeh Sharifi