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Is our best print journalism following the example of television: the greatest happiness for the lowest common denominator?2. NOAM CHOMSKY: ON HUMANISM AND MORALITY
Chomsky argues for the existence of deep-seated mental constructs that generate universal morality, yet in this century alone, 180 of the world's 192 countries have been involved in war, resulting in over 120 million casualties. Does he square the circle?3. THE AFRICAN RENAISSANCE AND TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER - Pieter Fourie
Taking cue from V.S. Naipaul's anti Gandhian solutions for a more robust India, Fourie exhorts Africa to get into the 'I'm-for-me' mode.4. THE ART OF LOUIS HUGHES
In the tradition of artists who live on the edge, Hughes brings back pictures of "strange things done, under the midnight sun."5. NO FRILLS FOR CINEPHILES
5A. Patty-Lynne Herlevi interviews JOSE LUIS CUERDA
With the cold steel of a gun pressing against your temple, it's not a given that you will say 'no' to evil, explains Jose Luis Cuerda, the director of the award-winning film, Butterfly5B. STRAIGHT TALK Cynthia Fuchs interviews Midnight Clear director, KEITH GORDON
Gordon discusses his apprenticeship under Brian De Palma, and obsessive fascination with characters in moral quagmires.5C. KADOSH: A Film Review - Abou Farman-farmaian
Fundamentalists up against the Wailing Wall. Israeli director, Amos Gitai, dares to tell it like it 'ism'.6. TWO POEMS - Julie Bruck
Julie is an award-winning poet who enters the bloodstream like a loaded needle.7. THREE BOOK REVIEWS - Julian Samuel
The good, the not quite bad and the ugly: White Teeth, by Zadie Smith, When We Were Orphans by Kazuo Ishiguro, Experience, by Martin Amis.8. CROSSING THE BORDER - Yona Loyola-Nazareth
Happiness is getting a gorgeous Goan girl, a life-time caste exemption, and an all purpose viper vaccine.9. DEPORTING FREE SPEECH - Amit Srivastava
Amit says dammit. Montreal Serai says amen to Amit -- who came to Canada to give a speech. Clam it, they said. Ram it, he said, and then . . .10. PEARLS, RAIN, EGGS: - Barbara Lefcowitz
When Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds discovers Barbara in the Barrio with pearls, rain and eggs, she'll be scrambling for the first stairway to terra firma.11. A SERIES OF DIMINISHING RETURNS - Susan Dubrofsky
How long is a bad day supposed to last in the 21st century? The erstwhile 'gong-ho' Susan D. thought she knew the answer.12. 200l TRUE TALES - Maya Khankhoje
When asked what he would save from his house burning down, Jean Cocteau replied: The Fire. Maya K. ventures into the 'heat of the night' in Jerusalem -- and finds a tale of two cities.13. Montreal Serai Cartoons - Leslie Cosgrove
All humor derives from the 'bisociation of unlike matrices.'14. SAY IT AINT SO, BELLICOSE JOE - Robert J. Lewis
Will we ever see the day when 2 countries at war suddenly opt for peace as a result of being exposed to a great work of art? Lewis explores this possibility and comes to an unexpected conclusion.