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In Amsterdam a can of excrement is presently on exhibition at the National Museum; all western women dress like whores; it only takes 5 days to buy a hand-gun in the USA. Is there such a thing as too much freedom?2. SELLING CANADA BY THE POUND - The Honorable Paul Hellyer
If you have ever suspected the politicians we have elected to represent us don't give a damn about us -- read on: an insider's view.3. SILENCE OF THE BURQA - Mohammad A. Qadeer
The unveiling of the Americanized Muslim: The West is the battle ground in a culture war that shows no mercy.4. FRANK SINATRA -- THE SOUND AND THE FURY - Robert J. Lewis
He had a voice like no other: thicker than whipped cream and more resonant than a choir of backed-up, dyspeptic baritones, but did The Voice serve the music?5. THE TEENAGE QUESTION? - Terrie Schauer
What's is like to be parents of rotton-to-the-core, nose-pierced, freaked-out, anti-social kids. When the Son swore Diogenes slapped the Father.6. CITIZEN - Andris Karklins
As a child, Karklins witnessed the kind of barbarism every generation must experience anew: poetry written in blood and semen.7. AFTER THE AUDIT - Ian McDonald
Guyana burning. A local journalist invokes the ghost of Russian writer Anton Chekhov in a last ditched effort to save a country from spiralling into chaos.8. ONCE UPON A TIME IN A KINGDOM BY THE SEA - Maya Khankhoje
Will men and women ever bridge the great divide? A parable on the Divine and Desire -- wearing the same old designer genes.9. AFTER THE THOUGHT - Jeffrey L. Jackson
Mindscape as a mine-field: Is meaning merely an hallucination we all share? Jackson's nameless anti-hero makes Kafka read like kids stuff.10. DON'T CRY FOR ME ARGENTINA - Jeanne Sindic
No secrets in Argentina today: from tantalizing street tango to Menemgitis and the politics of iniquity, to the ghostly faces of the dead that won't go away -- a walk on the wild side of Buenos Aires with Jeanne Sindic.11. ILLUMINATING ILLUMINATA: A FILM REVIEW - Rana Bose
All thespian intrigues and conspiracies must converge on stage in multi-faceted fornication. Divas must be gratified. The clown must get his fill of food and sex, and the homosexual critic be allowed a half-assed attempt at a lay! And thus the play gets staged.12. SUICIDAL IDEALISM - Mark Silverman
If you ever laid eyes on Lucy, you'd know why she always got what she wanted -- and more: happiness is a warm gun.