Martha Chaves is a Canadian comic from Montreal and a Nicaraguan Poet from Canada
Ernesto Guevara Chez Everywhere
You run into Ché's face everywhere
this summer
Ché's face repeating
like a photocopy of a broken record
with a fixation of déja vu
On t-shirts
coffee mugs
can openers
Items of every colour
and shape
sometimes phosphorescent
and divided by four
Like Andy Wharhol's portrait
of Marylin Monroe
El Ché assaults you everywhere
At exclusive boutiques
even at Goodwill
You can't escape Ché's face
ticket priced and whored
At a très chic pet store
in Westmount
I saw a woolen sweater
for a dog
a mere $100.00
no more
bearing the bearded mug
of Ernesto Guevara A.K.A. as El Ché
Comandante Guerrillero Revolucionario Extraordinaire
If he could see
how much
A poodle's sweater costs
in the dirt
he has probably got
to the land of Mao
Because maybe only two
out of ten people know
the man behind the face
and his legacy
for humanity
some say
"I wear it because he is handsome"
Had Ché been homely looking
Like Sandino
Or butt ugly
like Levesque
he would not be bought and sold
by people who don't know him
I asked some young guy
"but, tell me, can you identify
He said:
"The lead singer of 'Rage against the machine'
Elvis, when he was thin?"
You run into Che´s face everyway
this summer
©Martha Chaves