A fervent traveler, or, as he’s badged himself: pilgrim, located presently in Boston, Massachusetts. Scott is drawn to authors of the late 19 th – early 20 th centuries, favorites including Kafka, Fitzgerald, Camus, and Genet. He writes from the standpoint of a soul wedged betwixt moony backpacks and stony shoulders, right cheek shamefully smashed against the subway door’s glass. Wings tangled like sheets in the turnstile. Sleek pupils balled-up like crows, swallowing, swallowing, like philosophers, like murderers in their cold, threadbarren winter trees. Scott’s poems are the pudding of moans, yearnings, weanings, myths, renunciations, remonstrances, and vain valedictions.
The long cannibal mouths of summer done.
The hot fruit eaten.
Viridian bikinis cold,
unlidding like scabs.
This is the time of Testaments,
numb boners and nickel-tinted tits
no more yellow yellow licks.
Worms unfurling into torturous doilies.
Crows settling into urns.
The branches are
rigor-mortis screams.
Oh, love, are you chilled and lonely?
Take this shawl, this long pendant fingernail
to curl about your neck.
It is dead, grey, and truthful.
The snow falls gelid and sloppy as old sperm.
A deluge of abortions eating your feet
your knees, white bunnies
with bloody unplugged bellies.
You want to vomit.
To run.
To cry to God.
It must be a dream,
a dream. The sky is tumbling in
like a great pachyderm
sated and sleepy.
A gray skate lurks under all dresses quick and pretty.
A still
circling sea.
At center
rivets infinity,
topped by a god,
by a fly, a gaffed
wiggling seal.
He laughs madly in his
pointy silver hat.
My languor toils against window glass.
Eyelash-stilettos softly razoring,
sad anchors. I feel wan
relations at sunset:
worm of the rose
of damask jam, slinking
décolleté—from cracks, from cracks—
Chanel death-scents, minty mellowing apricots, vaporing
whiffs, hot cold spikes
sweet sweet mama-spice,
against this thin diamond ratio,
this queer lust against
life, flat
cellophane fish-eye.
Will it be rapturous?
Or slack release, the fly thudding.