Maya Khankhoje knows that history is just another myth of creation.
In the beginning there was Nothing.
Nothing stirred crying out: Bang Bang! Big Bang!
Energy woke up, then fell into Slumber.
Matter appeared in Energy's dreams and woke up Spark.
Spark expanded into Star and Star contracted into Planet.
Planet rumbled and disgorged Fire.
Air fanned Fire and Water quenched it, settling down into Earth.
People stirred from Slumber, trod on Earth, lit Fire, bathed in Water and danced in Air.
Man and Woman lit Spark and woke up Child and expanded into Family.
Family settled down into Home.
Home expanded and Earth contracted.
Mine, Yours, Theirs stirred in Water, flew in Air, played with Fire and spread Chaos on Earth.
Body settled down on Earth.
Mind and Spirit swirled up in Air.
Fire consumed Air and Water drowned Fire.
Chaos stirred rolling Earth, Fire, Water and Air into Bubble.
Bubble expanded crying out: Bang, Bang! Big Bang!
In the end there was Nothing.