soft heads
Francis Dubois Torres

Francois Dubois Torres is a Montreal Performance artist, sculptor, drummer and mask-maker. His works very much reflect the artistic venues of Serai, as a collective, has always promoted.

The three masks are part of a series called the 'Soft Heads'. They are metaphors for social alienation. The wood figures represent the human subconscious mind. The hands covering the ears or holding the heads show how the Soft Heads deal with the reality they live in. The empty expression on the faces and the softness of the masks' surfaces reflect a troubled social identity.

'The Printed Word' shows the influence the media has on the Soft Heads' perception of events. The wood figure is wrapped in messages of fear and screaming headlines.

'The Gold Rush' shows how the Soft Heads are driven by imaginary riches or unattainable goals and how they strive for material possessions. The wooden figure reposes on a roll of dollar bills as it fishes with a diamond lure.

'The Time of my Life' shows how time controls and creates mechanical behavior and how these Soft Heads internalize the equation of time to money to power. The wooden figure is holding a clock in one hand and manipulating a puppet with the other.

My name is Francis Dubois Torres and I am a mask-maker of a new kind.
I can be contacted at:

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