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The anatomy and resolution of a hotly disputed editorial position.2. WHEN CULTURE MEETS SCIENCE - Mark Kingwell
Does our faith in science translate into meaningful existence? Ignoring the lessons of philosophy -- and consequences.3. THE PAINTINGS OF ARTIST JOSÉ CUENCA
The opacities of the human condition laid bare: undaunted solitary figures take on the absurd.4. ROBERT LUNDAHL'S UNCONQUERING THE LAST FRONTIER: A Film Essay - Patty-Lynne Herlevi
"Ravaged and plunged and ripped and bit her, stuck her with knives in the side of the dawn and tied her with fences and dragged her down," -- The Earth.5. WHY GLOBAL CAPITALISM HAS FAILED THE WORLD'S POOR - Sean Healy
The poor are poor because they don't know how to make a buck.6. A LAW UNTO THEMSELVES - Derek MacCuish
If someone were to discover the secret of converting human excrement into gold, the poor would be born without assholes.7. REVIEW of JOHN LE CARRÉ'S "THE CONSTANT GARDENER" - Julian Samuel
Sixty seven years after the fact, George Orwell's Burmese Days find a good friend.8. A Good Night's Sleep - fiction by Maya Khankhoje
Could it be that we all come from dysfunctional families? You're never too young to enter the valley of the dolls.9. NO FRILLS FOR CINEPHILES
Talking shop with Montreal film maker CHARLES JODOIN-KEATON - Mark Krupa
Portrait of the artist searching for his identity in a foreign land -- and closer to home, in the culture of indifference.