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1. EDITORIAL - A look at the world as it happened, which oddly enough isn’t the same world as was reported to have happened.
2. WTO protests in Prague and Melbourne - Naomi Klein
Transnational corporations control more than one-third of the world’s productive assets. Nearly 40% of all international trade takes place within corporate families.3. DISPATCHES FROM CHIAPAS: Open letter from SUBCOMANDANTE MARCOS to President Vicente FOX
Another rumble in the jungle in the year 2001. Will the pen emerge mightier than the sword?4. REFUSE TO LOOK AWAY - Justin Podur
A look at the effects of western sympathy on the wretched of the earth in Chiapas.5. Interview with director KIM CHI - Patty-Lynne Herlevi
Twenty five years after the war, Kim-Chi returns to Vietnam to find the father who beat her mother.6. ESCHATOLOGY AND ORGASM - Jason DeBoer
7. The Art of NGUYEN TAI
DeBoer proposes that men in particular experience a little death after each orgasm – that performance anxiety is a red herring.
The serenity in Tai’s art belies a personal struggle that required the intervention of Zen Buddhism.8. FELA AND HIS WIVES - Derek Stanovsky
Explores how the masculinity of postcolonial cultural icon Fela was packaged for mass consumption in the West.9. THE PEOPLE'S HEALTH - Russell Mokhiber & Robert Weissman
Are the bottom-line-healthy, multi-national drug firms interested in your health?10. THE VOLUNTEER - Maria Worton
It gets to the point where you want to put them out of YOUR misery.11. BASS NOTE AND DRUM AND THE MOON GOES CRAZY - Robert J. Lewis
Is Rap merely another opium for the have-nots, and melody a bourgeois luxury rappers can’t afford?