A deathly haze still lingers
while some touched to the quick
aspire to redress
the evolutionary eclipse
the technical spasm
the immigrated image
the assassinated archetype.
An isolated novice
pleads reverence to shackled wisdom:
a bitter bat screams loathing
its spread wings shadowing doom:
the existentialist reflects
the magician performs
the urchin urinates
a pathetic parody of essence
a blind aping of reality.
Senile in his settlement
a withered elder embraces the flagpole;
the monumental fabric
flutters in his nauseous breath
flapping out the rhythm
of a time-warped vigil,
until the creature has a stroke.
Empathy becomes his burial shroud,
the flagpole his grave mark.
The primal predecessor
who hurled the first stone
who sharpened the first bone
spelled havoc for a future realm:
Neanderthal shakes off an ageless sleep,
flinches, then peers
through the century's torn curtain:
"I've escaped an epoch," he gloats.
Grinning, he resumes his somnolence
in an ebony tomb.