Two Poems by Louise Carson



Ambiguity adds another layer.

Slice into a fresh made day.

Take. Eat.

You know who you are.


Three are forward, sterile.

Fourth perspective shows a liquid light.

Take it. Drink it.

Let it fill you.


Admit partial reconciliation.

Use a symbol: the stinking rose.

Secret weapon against blood-letting.

Still no admission to this close.


I am no missionary.

Think what you want.




To the righteous          


With a stiff neck

we praise you

oh God.


Starting from one place

all man’s exhausting variations

twist and collide.


With only a slight motion to one side

we would see everyone

in the mirror.


Mangled nervous cords

might unbend

joyously align.



Louise Carson's work has recently appeared in “Descant”, “The Puritan”, “The Antigonish Review”, “The Best Canadian Poetry (2013)” and “The Fieldstone Review”. Her books, Rope: A Tale Told in Prose and Poetry (2011) and Mermaid Road (2013) were published by Broken Rules Press. A collection of her poems will be published with Signature Editions in 2015.